Burst Pipe Prevention 101

plumber installing a pipe

With winter approaching, it’s time to start worrying about your plumbing. This is mainly because
frozen pipes are the most common cause of pipes bursting, and it happens surprisingly often. This is because the water gets much colder and causes the pipes in your home to contract. When they’re contracting, the pipes can easily burst at their weak points. As such, it’s very important to know how to properly protect your pipes during the winter. Most of this comes down to making sure your pipes don’t get too cold or even freeze. But regardless, a burst pipe is something no one wants to deal with, so prevention should be a priority. So, we’ve put together a burst pipe prevention 101 guide, and we hope you find it informative.

Keep water faucets running slowly

If it’s extremely cold outside, frozen pipes and burst pipes are a very real threat. One of the best burst pipe prevention techniques is to always have one or two faucets running slowly. Because of the constant flow of water through the system, your pipes won’t be able to freeze. Of course, the faucets should run very slowly; otherwise, you’re going to waste a lot of water. Additionally, this technique should only really be used when it’s extremely cold. There are better things to do when the weather isn’t extremely cold that are much more cost-effective. Additionally, in case your pipes do somehow get frozen, knowing how to properly thaw frozen pipes is incredibly important. All in all, if your pipes freeze but don’t burst, you can still save the situation. As long as you know how to properly go about it, frozen pipes aren’t too bad.

Leave the cabinet doors open

Usually, kitchen sinks are installed on outside walls, which leaves them more exposed to the cold. If this is the case in your home, remember to leave the cabinet doors open on your sink. Doing this allows warm air to enter the cabinet and warm up your pipes. The kitchen sink is also one of the most common victims of a burst pipe. As such, you should do your best to protect it from freezing and bursting. However, no matter how well you prepare your pipes for winter, you should be ready for something to go wrong. If a pipe does burst, call emergency plumbing services immediately and get it fixed. Water damage is very difficult to deal with properly, and fixing it gets very expensive, especially during winter. Dealing with problems quickly is the best way to make sure no major damage happens.

Seal any leaks which allow cold air into the home

Usually, at locations where there are pipes, there are cold air leaks into your home. Needless to say, these leaks also cool down your pipes and can lead to them freezing. As such, take the time to properly check for air leaks around your pipes and seal them with caulk or insulation. Not only will this make sure your pipes don’t get frozen, but it will also help maintain the temperature of your home overall. By preventing cold air from entering your home, your HVAC system will struggle much less to keep your home warm. This can actually have a positive effect on your bills as well as keeping your pipes safe. Additionally, if you’re moving into a new home this winter, experts from homegrownmoving.com note that you should check for these leaks in your new home as soon as you move in, just to be as safe as possible.

Invest in heat tape

One of the better burst pipe prevention methods is to install heat tape on your pipes. Heat tape is a product that warms pipes wherever needed and ensures they don’t freeze. Heat tape isn’t too expensive and can be applied fairly easily. However, if you want to make sure you get the most use out of your heat tape, you should consider a residential plumbing expert for advice. After all, if you want to make sure nothing goes wrong, asking an expert is the best call. And when it comes to something as important as your plumbing system, you shouldn’t take any chances. Wherever possible, try to contact plumbing experts to make sure you’re doing everything right. Remember, water damage is very expensive to fix, so never take any risks when it comes to preventing it. The best way to deal with emergencies is to avoid them.

Keep your home’s temperature in check

Another good way to make sure your pipes don’t freeze and burst is to make sure your home’s temperature is stable. In areas of your home where you know plumbing is present, make sure the temperature never drops below 32 degrees. By keeping the rooms’ water lines run warm, you can ensure the pipes in them don’t freeze. If you’re unsure which rooms have water lines, take your time and check the exterior of your home for pipes. If you have a basement, look for pipes in there as well, as they can give you a fairly good idea of where the pipes in your home are. Alternatively, you can simply make sure that no room in your home drops below 32 degrees. And remember, if you spot any signs of a leak or a burst pipe, get in contact with professionals immediately.

Burst pipe prevention 101 – wrap up

Burst pipes are, most commonly, caused by frozen pipes. With winter just around the corner, this is the perfect time to ensure your pipes are safe from freezing. All in all, there are quite a few ways to make sure your pipes don’t freeze and, as a result, don’t burst either. Of course, if you’re ever unsure if what you’re doing is enough, you can always contact professionals to make sure. And if a pipe does burst in your home, immediately call plumbers to get the problem fixed as quickly as possible. We hope that this burst pipe prevention 101 guide helps you out, and we wish you a good day.