How to Find a Reputable Plumber Near Me?

a plumber working

Finding a trusted plumber or any tradesman can be an absolute nightmare – even more so if you have
an ongoing plumbing emergency that can’t wait. However, if you know how to look for them, it doesn’t have to take even half as long to find an experienced and reputable plumber to fix your problems. All it takes is a bit of patience, and you won’t have to deal with shoddy work. To help you out, we have put together a list of tips on how to find a reputable plumber near me. Read on!

Ask another tradesperson

Starting off with one of the easiest ways to find a reputable plumber. Chances are you’ve had work done on your home in the past by some type of handyman or electrician. If you were happy with their work on your home, consider asking them if they know a good plumber. People in the trades business usually know each other since they will typically work together when there is a complex project. Professionals enjoy working with other professionals, so chances are if you are happy with the work of a handyman, whoever they recommend will do a good job as well. Whatever plumbing problem you may have, this is probably the best way to find a good local plumber, but it relies on you already knowing a professional.

a person holding a wrench
Professionals like working with other professionals. So, asking a handyperson who already did work you’re happy with is a good idea.

Ask friends and family

If there is anyone you can trust, it is your friends and family. So, asking them for plumber recommendations is an excellent choice. If they live in the same area, then there is a good chance they’ve experienced the same sort of issues. And if they are happy with the work a plumber did, you can probably count on the same plumber to fix your problem. Experts from state that word of mouth is the most powerful kind of marketing, saying that they’ve relocated plenty of people, but most clients contacted them through their friends and relatives. It comes from someone you can trust. After all, personal accounts are always much more convincing than hype ads without customer reviews to back them up. Take the time to talk to your neighbors and see who they look to for having their plumbing issues fixed as well.

Read reviews and testimonials

You will probably hear advertisements claiming that you can get the best services for the best price wherever you look. It goes without saying that these advertisements serve only to provide brand recognition and shouldn’t be trusted at face value. Of course, brand recognition IS essential. However, this doesn’t exactly give peace of mind or guarantee that the service will be good. These are ads meant to be catchy to hear on the radio or read online. So, when looking for a plumber to get something done, always be sure to dive a little deeper. In other words, carefully read through testimonials and reviews on company websites or aggregator pages. When looking for authenticity and honesty, look for information like this: 

  • what was the project, 
  • were there any issues, 
  • when was it carried out, 
  • what the results were, 
  • and would the customer hire the same plumbers again?
person reading reviews
When looking for services online, always make sure to carefully read through all reviews and testimonials

Look through directories and rating pages

As we mentioned before, personal accounts are much more convincing than ads. Looking through directories and rating pages is an excellent option when you need to find a plumber you can trust. It might take more time than other methods, but it’s just as reliable. 

Just remember, when looking at reviews, always look for authenticity. After all, even a minor issue can become something serious when poorly handled. Some people even had to move out of their homes because a so-called professional only made a problem worse. And in that case, you have to worry about moving out quickly and avoiding issues and potential moving injuries during the entire process and amid all that chaos. Of course, moving company experts can prevent them, but it is much better not to have to move out in the first place. So, don’t trust anonymous reviews and carefully read through every review before deciding.

Plumbing trade associations

It’s a fact that the best plumbers are part of a trade association. After all, there is no better sign of quality and dedication to the craft than joining a trade association. This is because members are always encouraged to focus on customer service, technical ability, and delivering the best results. Trade associations believe that simply being technically adept at what you do isn’t enough to be an expert. So, they push their members to work on communication, trust, and reliability. Even if it’s something as common as detecting a water leak, you have no use for a plumber who will disrespect your home in the process. So, if you want a tradesperson who will deliver professional service, look up the nearest trade association and hire one of their plumbers. Members of an association will avoid issues since they don’t want to ruin their reputation.

person writing a document
Trade associations always push their members to improve their services. So, hiring a plumber who’s in an association is always the best choice.

How to find a reputable plumber near me? – wrap up

Finding a plumber you can trust can be a nightmare if it needs to be done quickly. Sometimes problems can’t wait for you to find the best person for the job, and you have to hurry. However, there are ways for you to, at the very least, make sure the person you are hiring isn’t a complete amateur. Or, at the best of times, you can find a trusted professional to get your problem sorted. We hope you found this list of tips on how to find a reputable plumber near me helpful.