Hydro Jetting Pros And Cons

hydro jetting service

Hydro jetting or high-pressure water jetting is the cleaning of sewer lines and drains using highly pressurized water. Sometimes, the water pressure is as high as 35,000 PSI. Hydro jetting helps to remove all forms of obstruction and clogs from drains, explains Service Star Realty. You can use it to remove grease, tree roots, or sludge.


Although hydro jetting resembles pressure washing, it has much more pressure than pressure washing. Because of that, its cleaning power is higher. Hydro jetting helps to remove stubborn clogs.


Before hydro jetting your drainage or sewer lines, your experts will first inspect them with a sewer camera to know its state. Hydro jetting is not recommended for collapsed plumbing, but you can use it for clogged drainage. Also, your contractor will inspect to see if the pipes are old or frail. That is because the high water pressure can break weak sewer lines.


The equipment for hydro jetting has three parts the machine that creates pressure, the hose, and the nozzle. The professionals will assess your drainage system when they remove the cleanout cap. They will insert the nozzle and hose into the drainage system until it encounters resistance. Once this happens, the machine will send out highly pressurized water from the nozzle to unclog the blockage.


It is essential to know that hydro jetting can damage the pipes if the pressure is too high. However, professionals know the appropriate pressure to use depending on your lines. For that reason, hydro jetting is not for amateur or a do-it-yourself project.

Pros of hydro jetting


Hydro jetting is safe


Hydro jetting uses only water. It doesn’t require the application of chemicals into the drainage. For this reason, hydro jetting is safe. Most chemicals for unclogging drains react with the pipes and may damage them. 


Some can react with sewer contents and emit harmful fumes. People also mix chemicals and pour them into the drain to dissolve clogs. Doing so can harm your pipes and the health of occupants on the property. However, hydro jetting uses only pressurized water.  

Hydro jetting is eco-friendly


We recommend hydro jetting for environmental purposes. Hydro jetting uses pressurized water and doesn’t harm the environment. Some other methods of unclogging drains may use chemicals that are harmful and toxic.

Hydro jetting can unclog anything


Hydro jetting uses highly pressurized water. As a result, the power it produces is enough to remove all forms of obstructions from your drainage or sewer lines.

Hydro jetting can cut through invasive tree roots


Sometimes, tree roots break off and access your sewer lines. It is one of the common causes of broken sewer lines. To protect your drainage, you should remove these roots when they are still small. They will continue to grow until they tear and clog your sewer line if you allow them. Hydro jetting has enough power to break smaller tree roots to prevent this from happening.

Hydro jetting is non-invasive


Other means of removing clogs may be invasive. You will dig the ground to access pipes. However, hydro jetting does not require this. It is a non-invasive procedure. You will only assess the drainage through the cleanout.

Hydro jetting cleans your pipes


Hydro jetting offers additional function, unlike other methods that may only poke holes in the sludge or dissolve the clog. It helps clean your sewer lines in the process. A plumbing snake can unclog drains, but it will not clean them.

It is appropriate for residential and commercial drain lines


Hydro jetting can clear a larger area. You can use it for the entire drain. Hydro jetting services are the best option, especially if you want to unclog commercial drains. They also serve their purposes for smaller residential sewer lines.

Cons of hydro jetting


Hydro jetting uses more water


Although hydro jetting is environment friendly in terms of not using chemicals, hydro jetting uses more water than other means of unclogging drains. You may not consider hydro jetting during droughts.

It can damage old or weak pipes


Sewer lines weaken as they get old. The water pressure from hydro jetting can burst old sewer lines. However, your expert will examine with a camera first before hydro jetting. Failure to perform a pre-inspection can damage the pipes.

It is not a do-it-yourself project


Hydro jetting is a technical procedure that requires expertise. Only professionals can do it successfully.


Bottom line: Hydro Jetting Pros and Cons


Hydro jetting is a maintenance program you should conduct regularly. After assessing your drainage, your expert will inform you whether to perform it yearly or every other year. We advise that you follow best sewer practices to prevent blockage.