The Dos and Don’ts of Hiring a Sewer Repair Contractor: Tips from an Expert

a sewer repair contractor in chicago.

When it comes to hiring a sewer repair contractor, you want to make sure you choose the right one to get the job done correctly and efficiently. There are several dos and don’ts you should consider before hiring a contractor. In this article, we will provide tips from an expert to help guide you through the process of selecting the right sewer line repair contractor for your needs.

Do ask for references and check them

One of the most important things you can do before hiring a sewer repair contractor is to ask for references and check them. Reputable contractors should have no problem providing you with references from previous clients. Take the time to follow up on these references to get an idea of the contractor’s workmanship, professionalism, and adherence to project timelines.

Don’t choose the first contractor you speak with

While it may be tempting to choose the first sewer repair contractor you speak with, it’s essential to do your due diligence and look at multiple contractors before making a decision. Get quotes from several different contractors and compare the pricing, services, and timelines to see who will work best for your needs.

Do ensure the contractor is licensed and insured

Before hiring any contractor, ensure that they are licensed and insured. A licensed contractor has taken the necessary steps to ensure they are qualified to do the job correctly. Additionally, their insurance protects you in the event of any accidents or damages that may occur during the project.

sewer repair permit obtained for work.

Don’t forget to ask about permits

Many sewer repair projects require permits from local authorities. Make sure to ask the contractor if they will obtain the necessary permits for the job or if you need to obtain them yourself. A reputable local plumber should have no problem obtaining the necessary permits for the job.

Do consider the contractor’s experience

When selecting a sewer repair contractor, consider their experience in the industry. Contractors with years of experience have likely seen a wide range of sewer issues and know how to handle them effectively. They may also have established relationships with local suppliers, making it easier to source the necessary equipment and materials for the job.

Don’t forget to ask about warranties and guarantees

Before hiring a contractor, ask about their warranties and guarantees. A reliable contractor should offer a guarantee on their workmanship and offer warranties on any materials. The length of these warranties and guarantees may vary, but it’s crucial to know what’s covered and for how long.

Do ask about the process and timeline

When selecting a sewer repair contractor, ask them about their process and the timeline for the project. Good contractors should be able to provide you with a clear outline of the steps involved in the project and how long each step will take. This information will give you an idea of what to expect and can help you plan accordingly.


Don’t fall for lowball pricing

While it may be tempting to choose the contractor with the lowest pricing, be wary of lowball pricing. These prices may indicate that the contractor is cutting corners or using inferior materials. Make sure to get quotes from several different contractors and compare pricing to ensure that you’re getting a fair price for quality work.

Do ask about the cleanup process

Sewer repair projects can be messy, so it’s essential to ask the contractor about the cleanup process. A good contractor should include cleanup in their quote and leave the job site in as good or better condition than they found it.


Hiring a sewer repair contractor is an important decision that should not be taken lightly. By following these dos and don’ts, you can ensure that you are selecting the right contractor for your needs. Remember to ask for references, check licensing and insurance, consider experience, and ask about warranties and guarantees. With the right contractor, your sewer repair project will be completed quickly and efficiently.