The Importance of Regular Drain Maintenance for Long-lasting Pipes

a bathroom with regular drain maintenance.


Slow drains in your home are a huge headache. They can turn otherwise pleasant activities like taking a shower into an annoying ordeal. If a slow drain happens in your toilet or kitchen, it can force you to waste precious time waiting for wastewater to discharge into the drain.


But most drain problems are quite easy to avoid. Most drain issues in your homes are due to numerous small things we fail to do. With time, Specialized Property Management Houston warns these small errors can grow until they become huge drain problems that cost you a lot of money to fix.


An example of one such “small” error is when you flush so-called “flushable” items into your toilet. This seemingly inconsequential action can cause major problems like a sewer backup. That is how most drain issues in the home begin.


To avoid costly drain issues in your home, there are small steps you can take to keep your drains in good condition all the time. These drain maintenance steps do not cost you a lot of money. The only thing they require is constant diligence and vigilance on your part.


The benefits of this kind of systematic drain maintenance routine are explained below.


Benefits of regular drain maintenance


Regular drain maintenance is a series of steps that let you adopt a proactive attitude toward your drain maintenance. Instead of waiting until there are problems in the system before you act, you establish a plan for routine care that helps you detect problems early.


What will this kind of maintenance routine do for you?


Eliminate clogs and slow drains


a clog free bathroom sink drain.


The factors that cause blockages in your home’s drains are always at work. As long as you use your plumbing, there is a chance that you will eventually have drain issues. The only way to stop this is for your drain maintenance routine to be as unrelenting as the issues causing the problems. Regular drain maintenance will let you clear out the debris inside your drainpipes as soon as they start to build up.


Minimize the rate of wear and tear


Wear and tear of the materials that make up your home’s drain system is inevitable. However, although you cannot stop the eventual deterioration of your plumbing, you can control the rate at which it happens. Problems like leakages and weak spots in your drains are not always due to the age of the pipes. Sometimes, they are caused by chemical reactions in the debris within the drainpipes.


Prolong the life of your drainpipes


Every drainage system has its expiration date; The expected lifespan of the material as determined by its manufacturer. But the lifespan of your drainage is not cast in stone. Depending on how you care for the system, it can fail prematurely, or it can serve you well beyond its projected expiration date. Regular maintenance of your drains will help it to last longer with minimal issues.


Prevention of bad odors


The smell of raw sewage in or around your home will impair your quality of life. These sewer odors can come from several sources, such as a toilet or a broken sewer pipe in the yard. You may even find that the problem happens only when you use certain sinks in your home. Regardless of the source of the issue, this problem can be prevented or solved by proper drain maintenance of your drainpipes.


Lower your overall maintenance costs


Regular maintenance of your drainage system will help you save a ton of money. This saving is not just because you will spend less money on unexpected problems in the drainage. A major part of the savings will come from the improved operation of your home’s drains which means that you will not have to replace the system prematurely.


Improve the overall health of your family


a family enjoying their time together.


Proper and timely maintenance of your drains will impact positively on the indoor air quality of your home. Firstly, you do not have to deal with the unhealthy smell of raw sewage inside the house. Secondly, preventive drain care protects your family from mold sickness by reducing the risk of mold and mildew growing inside the plumbing or around the corners of your home.


Protect your home from structural damage


The role of sewer line problems in foundation damage is a well-known fact that is often overlooked by homeowners. Water from damaged drainpipes is a leading cause of foundation damage. Broken pipes can seep into the soil around your home and weaken its foundation. That can alter the stability of soil and cause sinkholes and other issues around the property.


Lastly, regular maintenance of your home’s drainage system is one of the best ways to secure the property’s value. Buyers will sometimes consult your maintenance records to determine the attractiveness of your property. When this happens, regular drain maintenance can help you to make more money.


How should you maintain your drains? To get started with proper and regular maintenance of your home’s drains, it is a good idea to get a professional plumber to inspect the system to give you a clear idea of where things stand presently.