Useful Plumbing Maintenance Tips


At some point in their life, any homeowner will have a plumbing problem. After all, plumbing is a very complicated and intricate system, and sooner or later, something will break. That said, with just a little care, your plumbing can last much longer. To help you keep your plumbing system working as long as possible, we have decided to put together a list of useful plumbing maintenance tips. We hope you find it helpful.

Be careful what you flush

This should go without saying, but a toilet bowl is not a trash can. Realistically, the only thing you should ever flush is toilet paper, tissues, and your own waste. No matter how harmless it may seem, anything else is a big no-no. Things such as cotton swabs, hair, cardboard, and so on can cause a lot of damage to your plumbing. That will lead to a pretty nasty clog, and you will have to look for toilet repair services to get it sorted. It takes both time and money, and your toilet won’t work until it is done. So, take care that nothing that shouldn’t be flushed gets into the toilet accidentally. And remember, if your toilet does clog, open the tank and push down the flush valve. It will immediately stop the toilet from overflowing.

Taking care of what you flush down the toilet might seem obvious, but surprisingly many people don’t do it. Still, it makes your toilet last a lot longer.

Blocked toilet

If your toilet does clog, don’t panic: there may be something you can do about it. Experts from say that some of their clients have moved out of their homes because of nasty plumbing issues. It doesn’t have to be you. So, if your toilet is blocked, you can try clearing it with soap and hot water. Get some water as hot as you possibly can and fill the toilet up as much as you can. Then, add some liquid soap but be careful not to add too much. The hot water helps break down the clog, while the soap helps make everything move again. Of course, if you’re uncertain, it is always best to hire professionals to help you get the toilet running again. But, if you are pressed for time or want to try fixing it yourself, it can’t hurt trying.

Flush your water heater yearly

When it comes to plumbing maintenance tips, the most crucial part of the system is probably the water heater. After all, hot water is something we all take for granted until we don’t have it. Getting water heater repair services can take some time, and nobody wants to wait for hot water. So, before you get into this situation, you can easily make sure your heater stays operational. Flushing your water heater yearly will make it last much longer because it drains all of the mineral sediments that gather at the bottom. If it needs to be flushed, it will start making banging sounds. It is essential because excess sediments can lead to your water heater rusting out and breaking completely. In addition to flushing every year, you should consider changing the anode rod every five years.

Flushing your water heater every year will make it last a lot longer than you might think.

Inspect for leaks regularly

Leaks can cause a lot of damage to your property. Even tiny leaks, like a leaky toilet, can do harm by simply increasing your water bill. So, check your home for leaks regularly, and pay extra attention to damage and decay on exposed pipes. Rust, drops of water on the pipe, and warping are signs of serious issues. Most cases of severe leaks, such as rusted pipes or corrosion, don’t happen suddenly. So be sure to keep an eye out for these issues before they become real problems. After all, these troubles can evolve into something that forces you to move out of your home. And, if you decide to move long-distance in Illinois, it will involve a very long period of packing, planning, finding your new home, hiring movers for a worry-free process. You can avoid all that by being careful.

Clean your kitchen drain

When it comes to your kitchen, the simplest of all plumbing maintenance tips is to clean everything after you use it. What usually causes a kitchen drain clog is random bits and pieces which get stuck inside it over time. So, take the time to clean your kitchen drain before it clogs up, and you have to hire professional kitchen plumbing services to get it fixed. In addition to cleaning it, you can consider simply being careful with what you do around your kitchen drain. For example, you should ensure that no bone fragments from your meals get into it. It is as simple as that: cleaning and a little care will go a long way toward keeping your kitchen plumbing operational for much longer.

Regularly cleaning your kitchen drains helps avoid a lot of unnecessary plumbing issues.

Mesh drain covers

Chips of soap, hair and random bits of debris accumulate over time and cause clogs in all of your drains. You can avoid it with regular cleaning or installing mesh drain covers. When installed in your bath, shower, and sinks, they can save you a lot of trouble by avoiding the need for regular cleaning, which can be tedious and take a long time.

Useful plumbing maintenance tips – Closing thoughts

Plumbing issues can become very serious if neglected. However, a little bit of maintenance goes a long way when it comes to keeping your plumbing working. And, after all, prevention is the best sort of solution when it comes to these kinds of issues. We hope you found this list of useful plumbing maintenance tips helpful, and we wish you luck in avoiding plumbing issues.