When Do You Need A Septic Tank Cleaning?

People don’t always think about their septic tank much, usually until it stops functioning properly. It is a good practice to recognize how your septic system works on the regular, so when you notice things acting differently, you can call for septic services before it gets out of control. Septic pumping and cleaning services are something every home owner with a septic tank is going to need at some point while living in their home. Listed below are times when it could be time to call the Suburban Plumbing Experts for any septic maintenance or septic repairs.

When Do You Need A Septic Tank Cleaning?

Sewer Odors

No one likes the foul smell of a sewer, but when you notice it coming from your home drain system or in the grass outside of your home, you know something is up. Sewer odors are a good signal that septic tank pumping services are in your near future.

Sewer gas can include ammonia, sulfide and methane. Exposure to any of these gases can cause headaches, dizziness, poisoning, and memory loss. If in large enough amounts there is a risk of a fire or even an explosion in some cases. Please call for help as soon as you smell any foul sewer odors in your home or right outside of it in order for any of these things not to happen.

Your Home Plumbing is Starting to Back Up

Something you do not want in your home is if the toilet or other appliance backs up into your home. It can create a huge mess that is a pain to clean up and it can create even more damage that will cost you more in repairs. If you start seeing any backups occur, do not put it off to see if it happens again. Call your local plumbing company and have a professional plumber do a septic or vacuum truck pumping service.

Slow Drains

Your home drains are quick to inhale your faucet and sink water but if they start to work slower and slower as time goes on, you will know it. When water sits in the sink or the bottom of the shower or tub while you are in there and when you get out, your septic tank could be acting up. Having septic cleaning services done will get the water flowing normally again. If multiple drains in your home are backing up, then you could have an even more serious issue. You may need to have your drain lines cleared out using a high pressure water jetting. This is something that should only be done by licensed plumbing professionals. If this process is done incorrectly it could lead to serious plumbing damage in your home.

Your Lawn is Flooding and/or Has Greener Areas

If the lawn around your home has greener patches of grass than other areas, it is likely you are having some problems as well. These areas are usually around your septic tank and could be a sign that your septic tank is leaking. As always it is better to have a plumber come out to take a look to diagnose the problem and to see if you do indeed have a septic leak.

If you are having issues with your Septic System or Water Well, do not hesitate to give us a call! We provide Septic System services all throughout Chicago.